Year 10 Welcome Letter

September 2022

Dear Parent

A big welcome back to all our Year 10 students; I hope that you had a restful summer holiday.  It’s great to see everyone back in school ready to start their GCSE courses, and I hope that all our students will ‘hit the ground running’ with their option choices!  It is particularly pleasing to see students looking smart and enthusiastic in their new Key Stage 4 uniform, ready for the challenges that lie ahead in Year 10.  

I look forward to a productive partnership with you during this next academic year to ensure that your child can achieve their highest potential at the end of Year 11. For your child to be successful, they need support from both home and school. A strong partnership with you will make a great difference in your child’s education and ultimately, their success at GCSE. As with a successful Olympic athlete, who trains for months and years before achieving their goal in the final race, it is the work that successful students put in during lessons, and at home, during both Year 10 & Year 11 that will determine their success in the final GCSE exams.

Please continue to contact form tutors initially regarding queries or concerns about your son or daughter, as they play a vital day to day role in the pastoral care of your child. As well as via email, you can also communicate with your child’s tutor using the student planner which should be checked and signed by both you and the tutor on a weekly basis.  

Year 10 Form Tutors and email addresses are as follows:

Mr Xia – 10 Ashley –

Mrs Apps – 10 Clitherow –

Mr Coward – 10 Jones –

Mrs Taylor – 10 Line –

Mrs Passalacqua – 10 Pritchard –

Mrs Deane/Mrs Thomas – 10 Sutton –

Mrs Sparey – 10 Wall –

If you have not already done so, please do download the college’s MyEd app as this app contains lots of useful information and has now become the primary method of communication from college to parents.

In terms of equipment, all students should be carrying black pens, green pens, a pencil, a rubber, a pencil sharpener, a ruler, a glue stick, a scientific calculator, a protractor and highlighter pens. 

If you have any queries regarding uniform, the uniform policy is on the parents section of the website. Please ensure that your child’s belongings have their name in them so that they can be identified if they are lost and sent to Pupil Reception. 

If your child brings a mobile phone to College for use before or after school, it is their responsibility to ensure that it is switched off and out of sight on school grounds during the school day. If your child is unable to attend College for any reason, please contact our College Attendance Officer before College begins to inform us of their absence on 01905 352615 option 1, or you can use the MyEd app. 

There are a few dates for your diary this term:

  • Monday 12 September – Year 10 photos
  • Week commencing 19 September – Recall tests
  • Thursday 29 September – 12.30pm finish – Open Evening
  • Tuesday 18 October – 1.35pm finish – Curriculum Planning Afternoon
  • Friday 21 October – Students finish for half term

If your child uses social media, please can I also ask that you are mindful of age restrictions for the platforms, and that you regularly monitor the content of their interactions. This will help you to head off any problems that may potentially spill over into school life and detract from your child’s studies.

Finally, we believe communication is the key to building good relationships between school and home and are always keen to meet with parents to resolve matters face to face. We fully understand that urgent issues can arise, but please bear in mind that we often cannot see parents who arrive without notice during the school day as staff are often already teaching or in meetings that have already been arranged. We respectfully ask that you please call ahead to arrange a mutually convenient time to meet, rather than arrive at school unannounced and risk disappointment if no one is available. Many thanks for your understanding on this matter.

If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact tutors, subject teachers or myself so that we can work together to support your children. I thank you for your continued support which is always very much appreciated, and I look forward to working together with you over the forthcoming year.

Yours sincerely

Mr K Dobson

Head of Year 10