Year 10 Welcome Back Letter 2024

April 2024

Dear Parent,

I hope you and your family had an enjoyable Easter break. Can you believe we’re in our final term of Year 10? I’m very much looking forward to some nicer weather and to see how the students get on with their mock exams.
Our mock GCSE period for Year 10 begins 29th April for 2 weeks. Pupils have been prompted to use the school website to find the revision topics for each subject, some revision videos and the mock exam timetable. These exams allow the pupils a practice at the GCSE exams: not only are they all in the sports hall like the actual GCSEs, they are also actual past GCSE exam papers and so the pupils need to revise. Please urge your child to revise for these exams, like they would the actual GCSEs, as this revision can then be kept and used for their final examinations next summer.

On the whole I was very happy with the most recent Year 10 reports. Pupils have a good attitude towards their learning and behaviour is good. I would like to see an improvement in homework with some pupils. If your child had any ‘requires improvement’ for any subject homework, your support in this issue would be greatly appreciated. Homework and revision are now of the utmost importance for your child’s school journey.

I am proud to inform you that the Year 10 pupils worked hard for charity during Lent. There was a darts competition, pick a number game, non-uniform day and individual charitable contributions, which all led to Year 10 raising over £400. I have always found my year group to be generous and charitable and would like to thank all of them for their contributions during Lent and thank you for any support from parents.

Finally, as we are now in your child’s most important period of school, we would like to address attendance again and remind parents that we have a legal obligation to monitor and ensure all pupils attend regularly. As parents if you have any concerns with regard to your child’s absence, please always call school and discuss this with us. Working in partnership we will ensure all pupils have the best opportunities in school and reach their full GCSE potential.

Yours faithfully,
Mrs Pritchard
Head of Year 10

Dates for this term:

  • Monday 29th April: Year 10 EXAMS start
  • Thursday 2nd May: Pastoral planning afternoon. Students finish at 1.35pm
  • Friday 24th May- Finish for half term – 3.20pm
  • Friday 24th May: Snapshot report goes out from pupil progress
  • Monday 3rd June : Students return to school
  • Wednesday 3rd July: Curriculum planning afternoon. Students finish at 1.35pm
  • Tuesday 9th July: Sports Day (provisional)
  • Friday 12th July: Personal Development Day 3
  • Friday 19th July: school closes for the Summer holidays 12.30pm
  • Friday 19th July: Snapshot report goes out from pupil progress