Summer Exams 2025

The Summer 2025 exams may seem like a long way off at the moment, but I wanted to share some important information with you to avoid any potential issues next Summer.  

During the Spring term, you will be given your individual timetable’s which will highlight when your final exams will take place. This year the timetabled exams run from Thursday 8th May – Wednesday 18th June. 

Every Summer exam series, contingency sessions are arranged by the examination awarding bodies which all students need to be aware of. The dates that have been set for this academic year are Wednesday 11th June (pm) and Wednesday 25th June.  

This means that all students must be available to sit exams from the date of their first exam until Wednesday 25th June in case any exams have to be rearranged by the exam boards due to widespread national or local disruption.  

Please also note that it is not possible, under any circumstances, for a student to sit an exam other than at the time it is timetabled by the exam board. If you do miss an exam, for example, due to serious illness, then we may be able to make an application to the Exam Board on your behalf, but it will never be an option to sit your exam at a different time.  

Whilst writing, I also wanted to share a link to some important JCQ documents which you will be required to be familiar with prior to sitting your examinations.

Copies of these documents can also be found on the College website.  

Many thanks,  

Mrs Hickman
Exams Officer