Domestic Abuse

What is it?
Domestic abuse is any type of controlling, bullying, threatening or violent behaviour between people in a relationship. It can seriously harm young people and witnessing domestic abuse is child abuse.
What do I need to know?
The impact of domestic abuse involving children can come in many forms including physical, sexual, emotional, economic, isolation or threats. These impacts could be directly on the children or between adults in the house that is witnessed by the children. Domestic abuse can occur in the home, over the internet, over the phone and can often continue after a relationship has ended.
What are the potential indicators?
- Unexplained absences or lateness – either from staying at home to protect their parent or hide their injuries, or because they are prevented from attending school;
- Children and young people attending school when ill rather than staying at home;
- Children and young people not completing their homework, or making constant excuses, because of what is happening at home;
- Children and young people who are constantly tired, on edge and unable to concentrate through disturbed sleep or worrying about what is happening at home;
- Children and young people displaying difficulties in their cognitive and school performance;
- Children and young people whose behaviour and personality changes dramatically;
- Children and young people who become quiet and withdrawn and have difficulty in developing positive peer relations;
- Children and young people displaying disruptive behaviour or acting out violent thoughts with little empathy for victims;
- Children and young people who are no trouble at all.
Reporting Concerns
If you are experiencing any issues or concerns online or are worried about a child or young person, you must seek help immediately. Depending on the type of issue you need supp