Safeguarding Contacts
No child should suffer harm, either at home or at college. Everyone who works in our college has a responsibility to make sure that all our young people are safe.
If you are worried about the safety of any young person in our college you must report this to the Designated Safeguard Lead member of staff or the college Headteacher.
Designated Safeguard Lead and LAC Lead

Miss Mason
Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead

Mr. McClarey
Mrs. Thomas
Miss. Oram
Early Help Team

Mrs Corbin
Mrs. Smith
Mr. Taylor
Mrs. Pritchard
Mrs. Moseley

Mr. Dobson
Mrs Rice
Mrs. Casamassa
Mrs. Lynn
Miss Guise

Mrs. Fitzer
Mr. Edmunds
Mr. Bryant
Mrs. Girling
Safeguarding Governor
Mr. Carney
Chair of Governors

LAC Governor – To be appointed
Prevent Single Point of Contact
Mr. McClarey, Miss Mason