Looked After & Previously Looked After Children

At Blessed Edward Oldcorne Catholic College we aim to help raise the attainment of these children by supporting their education. We receive Pupil Premium Plus funding to help meet each child needs and to deliver the best possible education for children placed in care.
We work closely with the Virtual School for Looked After and Previously Looked After Children.

Miss K Mason
Designated Teacher for Looked After Children and Previously Looked After Children
LAC team

Contact details :
- Miss K Mason : kmason@blessededward.co.uk
- Mrs Taylor : hpt2@blessededward.co.uk
- Miss Guise: sjg58@blessededward.co.uk
- Mrs. L Smith: lsmith@blessededward.co.uk
- Mrs. U Ashgar: asgharu@blessededward.co.uk
- Mrs. C Wones: beocws@blessededward.co.uk
Useful websites
Virtual School
Worcester Virtual School – 01905 844913 https://www.worcestershire.gov.uk/virtualschool
Birmingham Virtual School – 0121 464 6599 https://www.birmingham.gov.uk/bvs
Sandwell Virtual School – 0121 569 2770 https://www.sandwell.gov.uk/info/200328/virtual_school_for_looked_after_children
Hereford Virtual School – 01432 261584 https://www.herefordshire.gov.uk/support-schools-settings/herefordshire-virtual-school-looked-children
Worcester EPEP System https://extranet.welfarecall.com/
Birmingham EPEP System https://secure.epeponline.co.uk/login
Sandwell EPEP System https://secure.epeponline.co.uk/login
Hereford EPEP System https://extranet.welfarecall.com/