

  • Race day trip- Year 7
  • Further Maths -Year 11
  • Bletchley Park – Year 10
  • Maths Feast – team event at Worcester university – Year 9
  • Formula 1 Race day- Year 9
  • Chess club – Years 7 – 11
  • UKMT maths challenges (selected students) Years 7 – 11
  •  PGL revision weekend – Year 11


  • Weekly class Mass in the chapel 
  • Youth SVP group
  • CAFOD fundraising
  • School Christmas Appeal
  • Chapel class liturgies
  • Charity prefects
  • Pilgrimage to Lourdes
  • Soli House Youth retreats
  • Alton Castle youth Retreats
  • School virtue of prayerful enacted every lesson
  • Prayer Leaders Day with primary schools
  • Holocaust Beacon school led by the RE department


  • Local fieldwork – Year 7
  • Kenilworth Castle – Year 7
  • Coastal fieldwork – Year 8
  • Big Pit – Year 8
  • Lapworth Museum – Year 9
  • Imperial War Museum – Year 9
  • Rainforest fieldwork – Year 9
  • Llanrug, Snowdonia – Year 10
  • WW1 Battlefields Residential Trip – Year 9, 10 & 11
  • Doctors Show – Year 10
  • History Historical Environment Fieldwork – Year 10
  • Rivers Geography Fieldwork – Year 10
  • Urban Geography Fieldwork – Year 10
  • Cultural Residential Trip – Year 10 & 11


  • KS3 European Day of languages, activities and quizzes linked to EDL
  • PGCE students visit teaching Italian and Spanish
  • Japanese Club – every Friday run by prefects and pupils
  • International Film Week
  • Year 7 Petit Nicolas
  • Year 8 Coco / The Book Thief
  • Year 9 Zippi, Zappi / Sarah’s Key / Jo jo Rabbit
  • Oktoberfest celebration
  • Dia de los Muertos fiesta
  • French café and Creperie
  • Teach a friend a language day. Pupils from year 8 teach each other different heritage languages. 
  • French exchange to Lille France
  • German exchange to Stuttgart Germany
  • Trip to Seville and Gibraltar 
  • German Fluid Curriculum 2021/ 2022
  • Lessons taught in a number of different ways, Boys/Girls divide, whole cohort, inter group competitions. 
  • MFL Careers Day
  • Speakers from the world of Engineering, Football, Sport, Translation and interpreting, Flying commentator,  Recruitment, A Level ex-students and degree ex-students.

Computing Department


  • Celebration of the ‘Hour of code’ and ‘Safer Internet Day’ – December and February 
  • Year 7/8 – Code Club – Monday lunchtimes
  • National Museum of Computing
  • Year 8 – CyberFirst Girls Competition NCSC
  • Year 9 – BIMA Digital Day 
  • Business, Computing and Media Careers Fayre 
  • QinetiQ inter-school challenge 


  • Coursework catchup for Creative iMedia and Enterprise and Marketing – Wednesday lunchtimes.
  • Business, Computing and Media Careers Fayre. 
  • EGX Careers and Gaming Event.


  • Inclusion sports days
  • Homework club

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