Curriculum – Humanities
Humanities at Blessed Edward Oldcorne enables all students to gain a wide understanding of the world we live in. We aim to do this by creating a positive environment which fosters a sense of wonder about the world we live in.
Through the study of Geography and History students will develop independent, enquiring minds and use transferable skills to become lifelong learners. They will show a respect for different cultures around the world, both past and present.
Together we will appreciate the moral values that help to hold society together and will learn from the mistakes of the past to help build a better and more sustainable world.

Key Stage 3 History Overview
History in KS3 attempts to cover British and World History for 1000 years from the Middle Ages to the present day. This is done through 5 coherent themes:
Movement, Beliefs, Everyday life, Human Rights, Global
History Curriculum Map

The GCSE History course is designed to be challenging as well as holding your interest. History provides a relevant and enjoyable story mixed in with evaluation skills and the ability to present an argument.We follow the AQA History Syllabus.:
25% – USA 1918-1973
25% – Causes & Events of World War One, 1894-1918
25% – Health & People in Britain, c1250-present day
25% – Elizabeth I 1568-1603
GCSE History is assessed in two final examinations at the end of Year 11.
Paper 1 – Modern World (WW1 & USA) 2 hours
Paper 2 – Shaping the Nation (Health & Elizabeth) 2 hours
The exam papers are equally weighted and assess the full range of Assessment Objectives
Key Stage 4 History Overview

Key Stage 3 Geography Overview

GCSE Geography
We follow the OCR B (Geography for Enquiring Minds) specification. The course is evenly split between Human and Physical topics, which are:
- Urban Futures
- Resource Reliance
- UK in the 21st Century
- Dynamic Development
- Changing Climate
- Sustaining Ecosystems
- Global Hazards
- Distinctive Landscapes
GCSE Geography is assessed in three final examinations at the end of Year 11.
Paper 1 – The Natural World 1 hour 15 mins
Paper 2 – People & Society 1 hour 15 mins
Paper 3 – Geographical Skills 1 hour 30 mins
Paper 1 & 2 are equally weighted and assess the full range of Assessment Objectives. Paper 3 involves unseen material which students must respond to.

Higher education pathways
Humanities subjects give students a well-rounded view of the world. Students who choose GCSE Geography and History can go on to study a variety of different subjects all of which fit into the Humanities umbrella.
- A-Level Classical Civilisation
- A-Level Environmental Science
- A-Level Geography
- A-Level Geology
- A-Level History
- A-Level Law
- A-Level Politics
- A-Level Sociology
- Applied L3 Travel & Tourism
- Extended Certificate in Public Services
- Diploma in Travel & Tourism
Achieving your potential
Head of Department (History)
Mr S Jessop
Assistant Head of Department (Geography)
Mrs N Sparey