Headteacher’s Welcome
Blessed Edward Oldcorne Catholic College is a Catholic community of aspiration located in the Archdiocese of Birmingham. We are committed to all our students excelling spiritually and academically both within our college and beyond. Everything we do is encapsulated in our Mission Statement, “For the Greater Glory of God” and our core purpose is to develop virtuous young people. Our vision is that all members of our community fulfil their vocation and play their part in making the world a better place. In order to do this we all strive to be people of good character as described by our college virtues.

We change lives through our culture of high standards and expectations of everyone who learns and works in our college and a firm belief that achievement is for all. Staff share the joy of learning with our students and guide and challenge them to seek the Truth. Knowledge has the power to transform us and we believe that it is the birth right of all our students irrespective of their starting point or background.
When visitors come to our college they regularly comment on three things:
- our distinctive Catholic ethos
- how forward thinking we are
- how well we focus on the important aspects of our students’ education.
We are an inclusive community and we aim to live out our lives in the image of Christ as far more than merely words on a page. At our college students know that they are loved.
We are very proud of our students and their achievements in all aspects of college life. Our academic performance is consistently high and this success is based on ensuring every child is known. We have high expectations in everything we do and a focus on ensuring outstanding teaching. Not surprisingly this has ensured that the college is extremely popular with parents and the college is oversubscribed every year with a high demand for places.
As you look through this website I hope you will get a flavour of the ambitious, forward thinking and vibrant community that is Blessed Edward Oldcorne Catholic College.
Greg McClarey