Curriculum – English


Blessed Edward Oldcorne Catholic College has an ambitious knowledge-rich English curriculum which fosters procedural essayist outcomes.

We study a traditional literary genres and forms and read challenging whole texts rooted in our Catholic ethos and college virtues, promoting the spiritual and moral well-being of our students.

Department virtue

Key Stage 3 Curriculum Overview

GCSE Assessment : English Literature

English Literature consists of two exms or components:

Component 1 2 hours 40%
Section A : Shakespeare – The Merchant of Venice
Section B: Poetry Anthology

Component 2 2 hours 30 minutes 60%
Section A: Modern Prose – Priestly’s An Inspector Calls
Section B: 19th Century- Dickens’ A Christmas Carol
Section C: Unseen Poerty

GCSE Subject : English Language

  • The English Language syllabus assesses students’ ability to crictically analyse and evaluate the writer’s viewpoint and language techniques by reading and comparing high quality challenging texts from the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries.
  • Students are equally assessed in creative imaginative writing and transactional non- fiction writing such as letters and articles.
  • These texts are “unseen”.
  • There are no set texts for English Language.

English Language consists of 3 exams or components:

Component 1 – Unseen Modern Prose 1 hour 45 minutes 40%

  • Section A: reading analysis of one 20th century short story extract
  • Section B:one creaive writing task

Component 2 – Unseen Non -Fiction 2 hours 60%

  • Section A: comparative reading skills of two sources from 21st and 19th century.
  • Section B: two short persuasive writing tasks

Component 3: Spoken Language Endorsement

The SLE is a compulsory non-exam assessment graded either a pass, merit or a distinction. Students give a formal presentation or speech on a topic of their choice.

KS3 English Curriculum Map 2024- 25

KS4 Year 11 English Curriculum Map 2025

KS4 Year 10 English Curriculum Map 2025

Higher education pathways

  • Post 16 higher education apprenticeships and other courses all require students to have gained a pass in GCSE English Literature or Language.
  • Studying English enhances your knowledge of sociology, psychology, history and related theory and cricticism. The subject deepends your perception of the world, its structures and societies preparing you for the wider world of work and life.
  • English Literature and language promotes the following skill sets which employers find highly desirable :
  • Criticism and analysis skills
  • Investigative and evaluation skills
  • The ability to develop and sustain a clear convincing argument
  • The abilty to write effectively for a range of different audiences and purposes.
  • Technical accuracy in spelling, punctuation and grammar.
  • Accuracy and articulate in speech and oral communication
  • Compassionate, empathetic and undertanding characteristics
  • The ability to subvert the written and spoken word


Head of Department
Mrs R Jhall

2nd Department
Mr S Price

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