Dear Parent,As part of our Lenten fundraising, we will be holding a non-uniform day on Friday 28th March. All proceeds will be divided between the Father Hudson’s Society as part of their annual Good Shepherd Appeal, St. David’s medical centre in Zimbabwe and CAFOD. Students are reminded to dress in their own smart and modest […]
March 2025 Dear Parents, I hope this message finds you well and that you and your family had a restful and enjoyable half-term break. It has been wonderful to welcome the students back to College, and we are pleased to see them return with renewed energy and focus as we continue with Year 9. As […]
9th January 2025 Dear Parent, We would like to invite you and your child to Year 9 Pathways Evening on Thursday 30th January 2025. The evening will start with an introductory talk by Mr McClarey which will cover all aspects of our pathways process. Following this you will have an opportunity to meet all of our pathways […] Vaccination UK will be attending our school to provide the Teenage Booster Vaccinations to Year 9 students on Thursday 13th February 2025. Please see above the link to the E-Consent form where you can either consent or decline both vaccinations. Also attached, you will find more information regarding these vaccinations. DTP/MEN ACWY protects against Diphtheria, […]
Dear Parent, As the seasons of Advent and Christmas approach, our thoughts turn to those people who will experience hardship during this time. One of our college virtues is ‘giving’ and students know that part of being a person of good character involves looking out for those less fortunate than ourselves. On Thursday 28 November […]
6th November 2024 Dear Parents, Odd Socks Day for Anti-Bullying Week On Tuesday 12th November we are holding an Odd Sock Day which gives the students an opportunity to express themselves and celebrate their individuality and what makes them all unique. There is no pressure on the children to wear the latest fashion or for […]
Click here for the presentation
The Summer 2025 exams may seem like a long way off at the moment, but I wanted to share some important information with you to avoid any potential issues next Summer. During the Spring term, you will be given your individual timetable’s which will highlight when your final exams will take place. This year the […]
Vaccination UK, who are commissioned by the NHS to provide child immunisations within schools, will be attending our school to deliver the Flu Nasal Spray’s or IM alternative (porcine free injection) on 3rd December 2024. Vaccination UK are obliged to offer 100% of the eligible school aged population from Reception – Year 11 a flu vaccination. […]
Bus Update: First Bus have advised us that their routes for this term have been updated on the First Bus website. Parents may want to check the bus stop that their child will use on this link First Worcestershire – Bus Times or the journey planner is here First Bus have advertised an exclusive Blessed Edward ticket, which […]