Year 8 Welcome Back Letter

April 2022 Dear Parent, Welcome back to all of the Year 8 pupils. I have spoken to lots of them about their Easter break and it sounds like lots had a restful and quiet holiday, which was very much needed. I can not believe we’re already in our final term of Year 8, before we […]

Year 7 Welcome Back Letter

29 April 2022 Dear Parent Welcome back to a new term.  I hope that you had a restful Easter break and that you managed to spend some time with your family. It’s hard to believe that now we are in the summer term and soon we will be welcoming Year 6 students into College ready […]

Year 11 Prom

Dear Parents and carers,  We are very pleased to confirm the date for the Year 11 Prom this year is Tuesday 19th July 2022. The venue for this special occasion will be Stanbrook Abbey.  Arrival to this year’s event will be from 7.15pm. Welcome mocktail drinks will be served to students on arrival. Non-alcoholic drinks will be available for purchase throughout the evening. Students will have a […]

Parent Seminar – March 2022

Dear Parents, As part of our ongoing preparation for this year’s GCSE exams, we are holding parent seminars on the evening of Wednesday 23 March 2022.  These seminars will be an opportunity for you to share in some of the information we give to students in their weekly assemblies and to explore the range of […]

School Meals Letter

Dear Parent, Worcestershire Local Authority have recently put in place a new system for parents to apply for free school meals for their child/children. This system also allows parents whose children currently receive free school meals to receive important updates about their ongoing eligibility. The letter from the Local Authority can be found here and […]

Policy Update March 2022

9 March 2022 Dear Parent As things in college return to some semblance of normality we have been taking the opportunity to revisit various policies and processes. We are determined to ensure that students at Blessed Edward’s can learn in a safe and distraction free environment and have always valued the support that parents give […]