St John Bosco Room Letter

22 November 2022 Dear Parent As you know, we have high expectations for our students in terms of their behaviour in thecollege. We are always grateful for your support if a behaviour issue arises for your child andwill always work alongside you to resolve matters.Occasionally, a student will be placed in the St John Bosco […]

Odd Socks Day

3 rd November 2022 Dear Parents, Odd Socks Day for Anti-Bullying Week On Monday 14th November we are holding an Odd Sock Day which gives the students anopportunity to express themselves and celebrate their individuality and what makesthem all unique.There is no pressure on the children to wear the latest fashion or for parents to […]

Year 11 Welcome Letter

September 2022 Dear Parents, I hope you and your family have had a good summer and that you feel well prepared for the important year ahead in your child’s education. I’d like to take this opportunity to congratulate the students who took Cambridge National Award units this year, towards their final GCSE awards, in Enterprise […]

Year 10 Welcome Letter

September 2022 Dear Parent A big welcome back to all our Year 10 students; I hope that you had a restful summer holiday.  It’s great to see everyone back in school ready to start their GCSE courses, and I hope that all our students will ‘hit the ground running’ with their option choices!  It is […]

Year 9 Welcome Letter

September 2022 Dear Parent, I am delighted to welcome back our Year 9 pupils, I hope you all had a lovely summer break. The students have made an impressive start to the academic year, looking very smart, displaying a mature attitude and a sensible approach to their classes. This is the most important academic year […]

Year 8 Welcome Letter

September  2022 Dear Parent A big welcome back to all our Year 8 students. I hope that you had a restful summer holiday; it’s great to see everyone back in school ready for a new year. I look forward to a productive partnership with you during this next academic year to ensure that your child […]

Year 7 Welcome Letter

September 2022 Dear Parent It was lovely to welcome your child on their first day at Blessed Edward Oldcorne Catholic College.  Over the first few days and weeks, I have been impressed with their behaviour and enthusiasm for learning and I am confident that this will continue as they progress not only through Year 7, […]

Operation Encompass

16th September 2022 Dear parent/carer, Our school has been given the opportunity to take part in national project, which is being runlocally in partnership with Worcestershire Children First and West Mercia Police Operation Encompass is a process whereby the police and county council will inform amember of staff if a child or young person has […]

Queen Elizabeth II

14 September 2022 Dear Parent I trust this letter finds you well.It is with sadness that we have been following the events happening in the wake of the deathof Queen Elizabeth II on 8 September. As you know, we are in a period of national mourningwhich will continue until the end of the state funeral […]

Mental Health and Wellbeing

September 2022    Returning to school after the summer break can be a challenging time for some young people.  They can be anxious about starting a new school or a new year group or even having a new teacher.  As a parent/carer, we can be unsure as to what to do for the best, here […]