Diamond Anniversary Pilgrimage

Dear Parents and friends of our college, In September 2023 our college will be 60 years old and we have a series of events planned for the coming 12 months. To start the celebration of our diamond anniversary year, two local parishioners with close links to the college have organised a walking pilgrimage around Worcester, […]

Strike Action April & May 2023

Dear Parent, You will be aware from media coverage that the National Education Union are takingstrike action and there are two further days of industrial action on Thursday 27 th Apriland Tuesday 2 nd May. The strike is happening because of a national dispute betweenthe unions and the government over pay and inadequate funding for schools.  I’mgetting in […]

Non – Uniform Day

There will be a non-uniform day this coming Tuesday 21st March for KS3 YEARS 7 to 9 ONLY. Non-uniform day for KS4 Years 10 and 11 will take place on Thursday 23rd March. Money raised will go towards our Lenten Charities. Please ensure that your child’s clothing is modest and appropriate for a school setting. […]

Strike Action – 15th/16th March 23

Dear Parent, You will be aware from media coverage that the National Education Union are takingstrike action and there are two further days of industrial action on Wednesday 15 andThursday 16 March. The strike is happening because of a national dispute betweenthe unions and the government over pay and inadequate funding for schools.  I’mgetting in touch to give […]

Non-uniform Day

Dear Parent I am sure, that like me, you have watched with horror the aftermath of the earthquake in Turkeyand Syria. I know that families in our community have been affected by the tragedy and theycontinue to be in our thoughts and prayers. In this season of Lent our college community focuseson those people who […]

Strike Action- March 2023

16th February 2023 Dear Parent, You will be aware from media coverage that the National Education Union are takingstrike action and the next day of action is Wednesday 1st March 2023. The strike ishappening because of a national dispute between the unions and the governmentover pay and inadequate funding for schools.  I’m getting in touch to give you asmuch […]

Strike Action

26 January 2023 Dear Parent,You will be aware from media coverage that the National Education Union are taking strike action,in the first instance this will occur on Wednesday 1st February 2023. The strike is happeningbecause of a national dispute between the unions and the government over pay and inadequatefunding for schools. I’m getting in touch to […]

Physical Education Department Information for Parents

A full list of the PE kit can be viewed on the college website by following this link. All PE Kit is available from School Togs in New Street, Worcester. All PE Kit should be labelled with your child’s name.  Injury and Illness If your child is injured or too ill to take a part […]

Year 11 Welcome Back Letter

10th January 2023 Dear Parents, I hope you’ve had a good break over the Christmas period and that you and your family have managed to avoid the various viruses that have been circulating so much lately.  As you will be aware, we are now only five months away from the beginning of the main exam […]

Year 10 Welcome Back Letter

6 January 2023 Dear Parent I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a Happy New Year and I am really pleased to see our Year 10 students back in college after the Christmas holidays. It was great to see the students ‘hit the ground running’ with their option choices last term, […]