Pupil Premium Strategy Statement
At Blessed Edward Oldcorne Catholic College our intention is to adopt an adaptive, long term, evidenced based strategy to help us to address the inequalities, challenges and barriers that many of our disadvantaged learners face. We have high expectations for all our learners and take on the mantra that ‘no one is beyond reach’. Indeed, we hope that our disadvantaged learners are aware of, and feel, that they are loved, that they are wanted and that they do belong.
This plan forms part of our whole school “Think Disadvantage” strategy and will focus on the poverty element of this strategy.
Our approach is evidenced based, underpinned with a tiered approach in line with the Education Endowment Foundation framework. We will drive our strategy along 5 key strands:
Aspirations, Academic, Character and Culture, Parental support and Nutrition, Health and Well Being.
Each strand, where possible, will have specific, deliverable and measurable targets which will be regularly reviewed and adapted

We have identified financial poverty is just one of the many poverities faced by our disadvantaged students.
Health Poverty
“buy-in” Poverty
Nutrition Poverty
Financial Poverty
Self Esteem Poverty
Attendance Poverty
Effective Parenting Poverty
Aspirational Poverty
Routine Poverty
We believe these issues block students horizons and personal growth. Our Strategy Plan outlines how we are working towards addressing these inequalities.