Year 8 Welcome Back Letter
April 2022
Dear Parent,
Welcome back to all of the Year 8 pupils. I have spoken to lots of them about their Easter break and it sounds like lots had a restful and quiet holiday, which was very much needed. I can not believe we’re already in our final term of Year 8, before we know it your child will be in Year 9!
I am so proud to inform you that the Year 8 pupils worked incredibly hard for charity over the last 6 weeks. There was a car wash, guess the name of the Panda, individual donations, a paper plane competition, lucky dip, football tournament, non uniform day, a raffle, several students did a sponsored silence and there were numerous cake sales, which were very much welcomed by all, especially me. Year 8 remains the most successful and generous year group, raising over £1600 so far just from our year group and monies are still coming in. Thank you for any support from parents in sponsoring pupils, baking cakes, buying cakes or donating prizes.
I am happy to inform you that there will be several opportunities for some Year 8s to go on a school trip this term. More details will be given to students during assemblies, but I would like to take this opportunity to say pupil attendance on these trips will depend on individual behaviour and effort in school over the next few months. Please discuss with your child the importance of good behaviour both in class and during social times. There are limited numbers for those trips and poor behaviour, a poor homework record and a high number of negative points from teachers will result in pupils being unable to attend those trips.
Our second assessment period for Year 8s is at the beginning of June. I will be encouraging pupils to use the school website to find the revision topics for each subject. These links will be updated asap, I will tell pupils when they are accurate.
Finally, despite the difficulties of recent times as a school we still have a legal obligation to monitor and ensure all pupils attend regularly. As parents if you have any concerns with regard to your child’s absence please always call school and discuss this with us. Working in partnership we will ensure all pupils have the best opportunities in school and reach their full potential.
Yours faithfully,
Mrs Pritchard
Head of Year 8
Dates for this term:
- Friday 27th May : students finish for the May holiday for one week
- W/C 6th June : Year 8 assessment period starts
- Tuesday 12th July: Sports Day (provisional)